Key News Overnight:
Spot gold fell 0.2% to US$1,901/oz, U.S. gold futures fell 0.3% to US$1,902/oz.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 79 points, or 0.1%, to 28,336 while the S&P 500 gained 3 points, or 0.3%, to 3,465.
In This Issue:
Tieto Minerals (TIE) | Abujar hits 3Moz | BUY | Matthew Keane
K2fly (K2F | Trading halt | SPEC BUY | Analyst | Ian Christie
Silver Lake (SLR) | September quarter report | Not covered | No rating
Gascoyne Resources (GCY) | RC drilling shows depth potential Gilbey’s pit | Not covered | No rating
Saturn Metals (STN) | Further drill results for Apollo Hill | Not covered | No rating
Recent Research:
Gold Road Resources (GOR) | Getting into stride | BUY | Analyst | John Macdonald