Junior members from Argonaut’s Corporate Finance and Stockbroking division recently attended a trip to Kalgoorlie to broaden their exposure to mining and improve their understanding of the natural resources industry. A key part of the trip was attending Saracen’s Carosue Dam operations (pictured), where we were kindly hosted by Troy Irvin, Emma Murray-Hayden and Sam Kocsis for the day. Highlights included driving through the underground operations at Karari and Dervish, walking through the processing plant, visiting the core yard, nearby exploration sites and site camp, as well as listening to various educational presentations on Saracen and the basics of gold mining.
Argonaut would like to thank Saracen for taking the time to host our team at Carosue Dam. We appreciate Saracen’s continued advocacy of growing the younger generation’s interest, education and passion for the mining industry.