Argonaut acted as Lead Manager and Underwriter to successfully raise A$10.1 million for Capricorn Metals Limited (ASX:CMM) (“Capricorn” or the “Company”). The Company raised funds from Australian and international institutional and professional investors by way of a $10.1 million 1 for 5 accelerated non-renounceable fully underwritten entitlement offer (“Entitlement Offer”) at an issue price of A$0.065 per share.
Capricorn has confirmed that funds raised pursuant to the Entitlement Offer will be used to support activities at the Karlawinda Gold Project, including the relocation of the recently acquired accommodation village and mining infrastructure facilities, to continue exploration programs, costs of the Entitlement Offer and for general working capital purposes.
Argonaut is delighted to continue to provide support to Capricorn and looks forward to our ongoing work with the Company.
Additional information regarding Capricorn can be found on the Company’s website at