Argonaut PCF acted as Financial Advisor to Catalyst Metals Limited (ASX:CYL) (Catalyst) on its all scrip $66.0m off market takeover of Vango Mining Limited (ASX:VAN) (Vango).
Vango owns the Marymia Gold Project which is located in the mid west region of Western Australia and hosts a 1Moz gold Resource and over 40km of prospective strike.
Both Vango’s Board and key shareholders showed great support towards the transaction.
The takeover offer from open to reaching the 90% compulsory acquisition threshold was rapidly achieved in 35 days.
The transaction acts as the first step to unlocking the Plutonic-Marymia gold belt, a world class gold district with over +14Moz of gold endowment.
Argonaut is delighted to have supported Catalyst and looks forward to Catalyst’s ongoing success.
Additional information regarding Catalyst can be found on the Company’s website at